Going the Extra Mile for Cathedral Music
Our Director of Music, Greg Treloar, is running the Robin Hood Half Marathon this September.
Through this event, Greg hopes to raise much needed funds for the Cathedral Music Department, specifically to support the continued development of the Choral Scholarship Programme and to further resource the Girls and Boys Choirs. Here's what Greg had to say:
"As Director of Music, I have the privilege of seeing first hand how music can change the lives of young people and help them to grow as musicians and people, whilst encouraging them in their faith.
My fundraising target for the Marathon is £2000.
Some of this will cover one full Choral Scholarship for the next upcoming year, these cost £1200 each. This programme, set up by Neil Page in 2003, helps to train and encourage university students in their singing careers. It is not only a great opportunity for university students but, their presence also greatly enriches our Cathedral Choir. Over the years, we have been fortunate to have some fantastic scholars who have gone on to be successful musicians following their scholarship at Nottingham Cathedral.
The remaining £800 will go towards buying much needed resources for our ever-growing children's choir, as we continue to train the church musicians of the next generation. We would like to invest in good quality folders and new music for the choir to use at concerts and Masses. In addition, we were fortunate to have received a wonderful set of plain white albs as a gift from the parish in Eastwood last year. In collaboration with the Cathedral Arts and Crafts Group we are now looking to embellish and customise these robes and are seeking some funds for the necessary materials to do this.
The children's choirs are a fantastic opportunity in which the children gain experience of singing at Mass at the Cathedral and participate in big diocesan liturgies and events. They also get the opportunity to make great friends, engage in team building activities and get involved in trips to Walsingham, Lourdes etc. In short, the children's choir provides children in our parish and beyond with wonderful music formation, fantastic opportunities to travel and perform, and life long friends and memories. "
You can donate to Greg's fundraising efforts, here. Anything you give goes directly towards building and improving the musical tradition here at Nottingham Cathedral, so please give generously.