St Barnabas Celebrations
A splendid parish party to celebrate our patronal feast.
St Barnabas Day, our patronal feast, was transferred to the 12th June this year but that didn't stop the parish from throwing a party in his honour on Sunday 11th June. With a fantastic BBQ, 'Anita's Bar' open for business and an array of salads and desserts provided by parishioners, it was a feast for all gathered. Over 150 people and families of all ages got involved and the glorious sunshine added to the festivities. The afternoon included a Great British Bake Off style competition for the home made desserts, which Fr Simon Gillespie judged on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of his priestly ordination. Amongst the silly categories he had created was the 'Peak District Appreciation Category' which was won by a very fine Bakewell Tart! There was a whisky bottle roll in the Cathedral gardens and a scavenger hunt for the many children gathered. The event was lively, vibrant and diverse, with many commenting how good it was to see the parish bouncing back to life post-pandemic. A big thanks to all those involved in preparations for the event and here's looking forward to the next party!