An Easter Message from the Cathedral Dean


"This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it."

May this Easter be for all, a glimpse of the true reality won for us by Christ, which will never pass away. We pray earnestly that the Risen Lord, in his infinite Mercy and Compassion, will look upon us and give us the strength and courage that we need to face the challenges that are presently affecting all of us.

The great temptation of life is to give up hope, for if you listen to the news all day, there is enough there to make us cry, and enough to say, “Is life literally going to hell?”  Easter Sunday says No! No! No!  It might seem like it, it might seem like those three hours of Good Friday had the last word, but no, the empty tomb does.  Not even death can do an end to God, because Jesus rose from the dead.

Light, life, goodness, truth and love, will always have the last word.

So, during this Eastertide and in the days ahead, let us all work together for a better world.  That all people come to know the new life that God wills for his world.  Not a happy ending, but new beginnings!

“This is the day the has Lord made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it."

He has risen as he said. Hallelujah!

Happy Easter everyone!

Canon Malachy Brett, Dean of Nottingham Cathedral 


**Image is taken from the Nuttgens glass in our transept windows.