New Cathedral Website & Logo


The Cathedral launches a new website just in time for Holy Week 2023.

As the Cathedral seeks to become more missionary and outward facing, a new website has been commissioned to serve its mission more effectively. Every year the Cathedral welcomes tens of thousands of people in person, and hundreds of thousands of people online, to experience its peaceful presence as a place of worship, to explore its fascinating architectural history and to enjoy its cultural offerings. To enable us to tell the Cathedral’s story in new ways, to share its spiritual and architectural riches with new generations and to connect the Cathedral more effectively with its parishioners, the wider Catholic community and visitors from across the City and region- a new, beautiful, engaging and invitational website has been designed in collaboration with Glow Media. Whilst the new site has a fresh look and feel, its design is very much rooted in the Cathedral’s rich heritage, reflecting its unique Pugin design and communicating its vibrant presence in the heart of the busy City of Nottingham. We hope you enjoy using this new website and that it might encourage you to come visit us. Our doors are open 365 days a year for people to worship, pray, reflect, seek a little peace, or to explore the Cathedral's fascinating history and design.

Whether you have faith or none, the Cathedral is there for you and you are most welcome.

A Note on Our New Logo

Alongside the new website, we have also taken the opportunity to update our logo and branding. The design is taken from a unique Pugin print in our Blessed Sacrament Chapel, reinstated by Pippet in 1933. It incorporates the fleur-de-lys and Nottingham 'rough cross' of the Diocesan crest, reflecting our place as the 'Mother Church' of the Diocese of Nottingham. The 'rough cross' is also the central element of Nottingham City's Crest, therefore our new logo connects us with the visual story of the City and speaks to our place as Nottingham's Cathedral. The blues and golds of our new branding and on our new site, are a fresh take on the Pugin blues and golds used across the interiors of the Cathedral.