November: A Time of Remembering

A note from the Cathedral Dean.
Few Christians need encouraging to pray for the dead. We pray for them naturally as we pray for our loved ones and friends who are still living. It would be strange not to do so, as the Faithful Departed are as near to us as Christ is, for they are in Christ like we are. November is a time to remember our loved ones who have gone to the Lord. Here in the Cathedral we will have a Novena, you will be given a form as you leave Mass this weekend, please complete the form by adding your loved ones names and bring it back in the envelope marked ‘November Dead, with your donation. All names will be placed on the altar for the celebration of Mass and will be the “Intentions” for the Mass during the time of the Novena.
All Saint's Day, 1st November, is a Holy Day of Obligation. A Vigil Mass will be celebrated at 6.15pm on the 31st October, followed by Masses at 7.30am, 1pm and 6.15pm on Wednesday 1st November.
All Souls' Day, 2nd November, three Masses will be celebrated to remember and prayer for the souls of loved ones: 7.30am, 1pm and 7pm. The evening Mass will be a Sung Requiem with the Cathedral Choir.