BBC Repair Shop: Our Lady Exhibition


Maria Kirk exhibits painting of Our Lady restored on BBC Repair Shop.

“Earlier this year, I took part in the TV programme "The Repair Shop" with a painting of Our Lady. My family, escaping from Ukraine during the 2nd World War, hid the painting in a coat. They were captured by the Nazi and taken to a labour camp. Somehow the painting managed to survive. It was left to me some years ago and was very badly damaged. When Lucia Scalisi from the programme saw it, she said it was a miracle it had survived, but she took on the task of repairing it. The painting will be on display, together with photographs of its history, in the Cathedral Hall on Sunday 22nd October, after the 8am Mass and throughout the day until 4pm. When it was on display in Our Lady's Eastwood, it drew over 300 visitors of all faiths and none. I invite you to come and see this painting, it is special, and eventually I wish to return it to Ukraine.”


Maria Kirk


Photo Credit: BBC One Repair Shop

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Event Summary

Where Cathedral Hall
Starts 22.10.23 08:45 AM
Ends 22.10.23 13:00 PM