Practical Parishioners
An ad-hoc gathering of parishioners who help with Cathedral maintenance.
The next practical parishioners work weekend will be on Saturday 3rd of June from 9:30am to approximately 3:00pm. The main job this time is helping with the Convent Cemetery Garden as the usual volunteers have requested some help removing and cutting back some larger plants. Also, if you would be interested in helping with the garden on an ongoing basis, please talk to Maggie on the day, or contact her via the Cathedral Office. We are also planning to repaint the car park, weed clearing on the boundary walls, fixing flooring and repositioning fire prevention equipment in upstairs kitchen. In the event of bad weather, we will work on the hall items and the pew spacings in the Cathedral. Refreshments will be provided. All are welcome.
If you would like to join the mailing list for this group, please email Alan on: [email protected]