Heritage Week at Nottingham Cathedral

This year Nottingham Cathedral again participated in English Heritage’s week long celebration of historic buildings.
We welcomed approximately 350 guests during our official open hours, with many additional visitors viewing the Cathedral outside of these hours.
The Friends of the Cathedral offered guided tours during the official hours - - with approximately 40 tours taking place, highlighting particular points of interest as well as providing access to areas not usually available to the public such as the Crypt, where we mounted a small exhibition of vestments and other items, as well as touring the gardens including the Cemetery, where the Sisters of Mercy are laid to rest.
We were also able to present the recent discoveries of the Pugin decor, uncovered a few months ago by Cliveden Conservation.
This was another successful initiative in welcoming people to our Cathedral, many of whom had never been inside, despite living locally.
We also received numerous visitors from around the UK and internationally. All seemed delighted to have the opportunity to step inside to learn a little about our history.
Some of the International locations mentioned included Bulgaria, China, USA, Germany, Netherlands, Greece, Ukraine, Poland, Mexico, Korea and Singapore. A small number of student families visited also.
If you would like to book a group tour, please contact the Cathedral and we will try to accommodate your needs: [email protected]