Jubilee Pilgrim Trail Launches at the Cathedral

The Friends of Nottingham Cathedral are pleased to share a simple Pilgrim Trail, to help people engage more deeply with the Jubilee Year at the Mother Church of the Diocese of Nottingham.
It can be very easy to think about making a pilgrimage to Lourdes, or Walsingham or Rome, but how can you make a pilgrimage to the Cathedral? Yet that is exactly what Bishop Patrick is encouraging us to do during this Jubilee Year. In his pastoral letter opening the Jubilee Year in the Diocese of Nottingham, Bishop Patrick designated a number of Jubilee Churches across the diocese, including Nottingham Cathedral. He hopes that parishes across each deanery will make a special effort to journey as Pilgrims of Hope to the local Jubilee Church and that deaneries might also like to make a collective Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Cathedral. A Plenary indulgence can be received when people visit these Jubilee Churches on pilgrimage and the usual conditions of sacramental confession, reciting the creed, receiving Holy Communion and praying for the intentions of the Holy Father apply.
This simple pilgrim trail around the Cathedral has been put together to help you do just that. There are 15 different ‘pilgrim stations’ forming a trail around the Cathedral. Each one makes use of an aspect of the Cathedral’s beautiful heritage to inspire your journey, and a simple reflection and prayer is offered at each station. The trail can be shortened, lengthened or adapted to your time and needs. It is simply offered as a tool to help you enter more deeply into this Jubilee Year; so that we may ‘recognise Christ more and more as our steadfast hope and firm anchor in life’ and so that we may be sent ‘out into our wider communities to be the living signs of hope he desires us to be’.
Discover the Jubilee Pilgrim Trail, here.
If you are a parish, deanery, chaplaincy, school or other group who would like to arrange a pilgrimage to the Cathedral for the Jubilee Year, please contact the Cathedral Office to discuss further: [email protected]
Share your experience of doing the Pilgrim Trail with us on social media:
Instagram: @nottinghamcathedral
Facebook: Nottingham Cathedral
For more information about the Jubilee Year in the Diocese of Nottingham, see here.