Statement from the Cathedral Dean

Regarding an incident at the 6pm Sunday Mass.
Statement from the Cathedral Dean
There was an incident at the 6pm Mass this evening, to which the police attended and later made an arrest. Thankfully, there was no threat to those gathered.
I would like to thank the Cathedral Stewards for their handling of this incident and Nottinghamshire Police for their swift action and support.
If you have been affected in any way by tonight’s incident or have concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or any other member of the clergy team via the Cathedral Office.
As we strive to be a place of welcome and worship for all in our City, our Cathedral doors will continue to remain open for all who seek solace, hope and peace.
Canon Malachy Brett, Dean of Nottingham Cathedral
Cathedral Office Contact Details
Phone: 0115 953 9839
Email: [email protected]